Blockchian Blurt - Web 3 in practice

Find out what Blockchain Blurt is and join our community.

Use a network where every voice counts. Become a co-owner, investor, user and shareholder. Enjoy freedom of speech and no censorship on a decentralized network owned by all users.

Just three simple steps:

Create an account

registration graphics


Log in

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Find out how

Post something

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Which frontend should I use?


what is blurt?

Blurt what is it?

Blurt is redefining social media by building a living, breathing and growing social economy - a community where users are rewarded for using the platform. This is a new type of attention economy, where the creator is a co-owner, not a product of the social media platform on which he publishes his entries.

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How does Blurt work?

blurt screem

Blurt is a blockchain network, i.e. a type of large database in which information, articles and transactions are saved in blocks generated every 4 seconds. Many so-called frontends are connected to this "base", i.e. applications in the form of websites or phone applications that save and read information from the blockchain. Pages are merely an interface to communicate with the Blurt blockchain.

Every day, the blockchain creates new BLURT tokens and adds them to the community's "reward pool". These tokens are then awarded to users for their contributions based on votes cast by Blurt Power holders. The value that the voter assigns to the content author depends on the shares in the network that the voter has.

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blurt screem

How is different from other social network sites?

While most social media sites extract value for their shareholders, at Blurt we are guided by the principle that platform users should receive benefits and rewards for their attention and contributions to the platform. As a result, activities such as reacting to posts or searching for valuable content and supporting them with your voice are rewarded with a certain amount of tradable tokens and shares in the network in a 25%/75% ratio.

Additionally, all content published on the blurt blockchain is saved in the blockchain and signed with the owner's keys, so it is impossible to delete it without having these keys. Thanks to this, the possibilities of censorship and demonetization in our networks are significantly limited and can only be limited to situations in which, for example, someone has clearly broken the law, causing a situation in which law enforcement agencies would have to intervene.

Unlike other Blockchains similar to Blurt, it is not possible to cast negative votes, i.e. "downvotes". This functionality, originally introduced to combat spam, has become the bane of other networks of this type, as it has been repeatedly used to resolve personal antipathies between network users and demonetize politically incorrect content. By using Blurt, you can be sure that no whale who doesn't like your content because, for example, he doesn't agree with your views or simply didn't like you, will demonetize the value of your post.

Blurt account security

blurt screem

Your account on the Blurt network is created in such a way that the owner key created when creating your profile signs and secures your wallet and your entire account. Unlike most social networking sites, it is not possible for an administrator to access the account. Your keys are the only "password" that allows you to use your profile. Of course, this has its good and bad sides. If you lose the owner's key, no one will be able to access it! Therefore, it is extremely important to write down and back up your password in a safe place. It is also highly recommended that you keep an offline copy in case your hard drive fails or other misfortune occurs. Consider offline digital storage, such as an external drive or flash drive, and a print copy, preferably stored in a fireproof safe ;).

The blurt network is a place for responsible people who know the value of their work and take their online activity seriously.

what is blurt?

How to find the Polish community?

The easiest way to navigate the Blurt blockchain is to use # or community tags. Everyone who publishes content must tag it with at least one tag. To reach as many recipients as possible, users use common thematic tags. One of the hashes around which the Polish community focuses is the #polish tag. The link below will take you to the address of the frontend sorting content for this tag, where you will find all entries published in your native language:

Polish community entries

With the introduction of the "community" functionality, a Polish community was also created, which can be found at this link: Polish Community

Create an account for free

Currently, there are two sites where you can create accounts and three methods. You can choose one of them by clicking the buttons below. Each of them will guide you through the process of creating your account, which will allow you to log in to ANY frontend and application created for the Blurt network.

VERY IMPORTANT!! Save the password generated when creating the account in a safe place before pressing the create account button (more about keys and security can be found above). There is no way to recover your account if you lose your owner key unless you designate someone you trust from the community to recover it.

Log in to one of the frontends!

If you have already created an account, all you need to do is choose the frontend you will use to log in.

There are many frontends hosted by different witnesses. This increases network security. If one of them were to fail, you can always access the network from another site. However, apart from security, each of them also has a unique philosophy that the creator follows when developing his application. The items below are FE that display all content. However, there may be some that only display content from a given tag, blog or community. The possibilities are endless.

Below are the three most popular sites:

blurt blog logo

This is a website created by the Social Graph foundation, the founding team of the network. When developing this frontend, the developers are somewhat moving towards metaverse trends. In the wallet, the user can create his or her 3D avatar. The application is the original frontend that was created along with the network and has been in development for the longest time.

Go to blurt blog
blurt latam pl logo

Frontend version of Blurt Polish community

The most important advantage of the website developed at this address is the philosophy that guides the developers. The main idea here is Freedom of speech and lack of censorship. Blockchain networks cannot be censored, but what individual FEs display can be freely limited according to the preferences of the creators of a given application. On this front-end, you can be sure that you will see all the content ever recorded on the blockchain.

Go to frontend
beblurt logo

This is the most modern and fancy Frontend developed by witness @nalexadre. It has many useful functions, including statistics in the form of charts and other useful tools. The creator himself publishes a lot of interesting information about blurt on his blog, so it is also worth visiting his profile. FE is perfect for fans of modern design.

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